It is reported that the famous star Reese Witherspoon recently kept company with her parents wearing Belstaff Jacket to a Davidson County courtroom to attend an emergency hearing on whether her father should be placed in a conservatorship.
In fact, Witherspoon’s mother accused his husband for bigamy in Belstaff Women Leather Jacket earlier this week. She had already filed documents to the court because of this man’s new marriage.
According to their affidavit, they have already splited from each other in 1996. But they met each other many times a week and chat with each other often. They even attended the family together and also appeared at their daughter’s wedding together wearing Belstaff Leather Jacket.
In January 14, Witherspoon’s father got married with another woman. so after Witherspoon’s mother accused his husband for bigamy, this woman who said still loved her husband asserted she believed he did this because of onset dementia. she said when she met her husband, this man in Belstaff Men Leather Jacket said he couldn’t remember how he got married. Attorney Andra Hendrick exposed that this case can’t help the man’s career.
Reese Witherspoon really wants to help her parents, especially his father. But she appeared with her father on the court holding a Belstaff Bag.
This star will have a baby after several months with her present husband Jim Toth. In fact, she already have two children with ex-husband before.