
MJ’s bodyguard exposed Michael’s love relation with Whitney in Belstaff

The deceased pop star Michael Jackson’s bodyguard Matt Fiddes announced that he was the Physiological father of Michael’s third son Blanket. Recently he told a big news in Belstaff Jacket that Michael had a love relation with Whiney Houston 21 years ago and they nearly got married at that time.
Matt said Whiney moved to Michael’s pasture in 1991 holding Belstaff Bag. They lived together like a real couple at that time. Michael told him that he really want to marry with Whiney. But their relation only kept for two weeks. Tens years later, Whiney wore Belstaff Women Leather Jacket met Michael at his concert which was held to celebrate his 30 years’ music journey. They held each other with tears in their eyes. Michael wore Belstaff Leather Jacket whispered to Houston that he still loved her so much. Houston also showed the same passion.
As the private bodyguard of Michael Jackson, Matt Fiddes exposed that this super star had a drug addiction and there were many pinholes on his body. What worried the people around was that Michael was addicted in Nazi so crazy. The anti-semitic thought was of his mind. Matt wore Belstaff Men Leather Jacket said they had tried to help him to abandon this rubbish thought.
When talked about the issue about Blanket’s real father, this bodyguard said at that time Michael asked him to donate sperm because he hoped to have a boy full of motor cell. Now he announced this to public just want to get the right to see his child several times of one year.

