
Demi Moore face the darkest hour at age of 50

Did anyone stop to think that Demi Moore in Tory Burch Shoes was like this when she was married to Ashton and that he’s just keeping quiet about it and taking the blame. From what I’ve read, she’s had a substance and alcohol problem long before Ashton….
What Demi Moore holding Tory Burch Wallet needs to do is grow up. I am really sorry for her troubles but let me get this straight “a crisis”…..she has millions of dollars in her bank and 3 kids who love her. Demi Moore holding Tory Burch Tote Bag needs to count her blessings when there are many “50″ year olds suffering thru real crises….suffering the loss of a loved one, losing their home in foreclosure after they spent the past 20 years working for a company and were laid off unexpectedly, people suffering from cancer etc etc….She needs to get a reality check. Why is it such a shock that Ashton was unfaithful? I am sorry I just don’t get it! These stars are pathetic. Demi Moore in Tory Burch Sandals will check herself into a paradise rehab center that costs $25,000 a day and be all better in two weeks! Enough already!
Her parents abused booz and drugs, as to why anyone is shocked that she will do this..Addiction is an illness no money makes it all go away. Lack of Coping skills are what you all are talking about. Demi Moore in Tory Burch Flat Shoes never had them, money wasn’t going to make her get it. Age means sh$t…. There are many of you here that at 15 were 40 and at 15 you were just that..Folks like this will still be whatever age that they expereniced trauma because they have never dealt with the core issues….Its quite easy to say, its just a man move on when you dont have the same experiences in life. We all deal differently from our enviroments we grew up in. IT DOESN’T MAKE IT RIGHTmoments like this you should be grateful to all those adults, grandparents, parents, cousins, uncle and aunts that put the shoe in your #$%$! I know I am!!
IF true….hope she’s better soon……….Demi Moore in Tory Burch Flip Flops has a good support group of family and friends to help her through. Ok, I get that people do not want to feel sorry for her but need you be reminded that money doesn’t fix body issues. Money doesn’t fix depression. Money doesn’t fix addictions. So what she is going through is still a very painful thing for anyone. I hope .Demi Moore in Tory Burch Wedge Shoesgets the help she needs. Hollywood is like a whole different planet from the rest of the world. There are incredible pressures to remain a certain way and if you are already a broken person this can take a toll. You could try to have a little sympathy…Try not to see her money, but just as a person.

