
The Action Star’s Thought on Dsquared

Matt Damon is not a genius. He just plays one in the movies. At last week’s “Save Our Teachers” rally in Washington Damon who wore shirt of Dsquared announced that incentives — like bonuses for good performance or ending tenure for bad ones — don’t work for teachers. This man always says even he has to work , he want to work with Dsquared Jeans.
Recently he accepted an interview by putting on charming Dsquared Shoes,“You think job insecurity makes people work hard?” he asked a reporter from Reason magazine incredulously. “That’s like saying a teacher is going to get lazy when she has tenure.” “A teacher wants to teach,” Damon insisted and felt excited with pulling his jacket and exposing the inside Dsquared Shirt. “Why else would you take a shy salary and really long hours and do that job unless you really loved to do it?”
According to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the average Boston teacher earned around $80,000 last year. That was the average. Nationally, the average teacher salary is significantly lower — $53,000. But a teacher still earns more by herself than the household income of the average American family. So Damon, this man who like collect Dsquared Polo Shirt, is wrong on the numbers. And his theory is even worse. Modern economic theory is based on the premise of incentives. Damon’s position that incentives don’t affect behavior puts him in the fiscal Flat Earth Society.
Nobody denies this is true of cabbies, car salesmen or newspaper columnists — why wouldn’t it be true of teachers? But isn’t it likely that others have more materialistic motivations? Like the fact that it’s a great way for underachievers to prosper?
“Slackers wanting to earn the country’s easiest college major, should major in education,” said by Damon by putting on Dsquared T Shirt . “It’s easy to get ‘A’s’ if you’re an education major.”What Damon said was read in authoritative newspaper. “So if you’re a “slacker” who wants to earn more than your brother the accountant, the public schools have got a deal for you!”Damon put his hand into his pockets of jeans of Dsquared Cap.
Every body has his own idea, even speaks out. So Damon wants us to believe with his Dsquared Belt this all-but-guaranteed lifetime employment has no impact on performance ? Nobody’s a good enough actor to sell that.

