
The Hateful Comments on the internet make Jamie Lynn Spears on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown

Props to her for wanting to be a good mom, even at a young age. Most teenage moms party and stick their children with the grandparents. It’s tough being a teenage mom (as I was) even if you have money and am famous. She’s just lucky Jamie Lynn Spears in Tod’s Shoes has the financial stability to raise her daughter better. Yea, it was stupid for having unprotected sex, but she got something beautiful out of it and it seems to me she’s getting her life back on track. No one is perfect.
I don’t think she glamourized teen pregnancy at all, if anything I think her story has kinda proved a point. Jamie Lynn Spears in Tod’s Ballet Shoes was an actress on a successful show and a rising star but she got pregnant and it changed everything. Good for her, she seems to have grown up, and is making a choice to raise her daughter out of the light of the media. It seems some moms are all to ready to “pimp” out their kids for a reality tv paycheck! I’m proud of the way your life has turned around. Remember, EVERYONE makes mistakes. It is all in how you get back up and go on with life that matters.
Good for Jamie Lynn. .in Tod’s Fall Shoes .she’s right, she did what so many teenagers do, and wound up pregnant. She made decisions and honored them, few adults can manage that nowadays. I worked with her this past week here in Nashville, she’s very humble, and very sweet. I was really impressed.
Jamie Lynn Spears in Tod’s Boots you are human and you made a mistake but your baby isn’t a mistake.I know you wish she could have been born at a later date but it is what it is.She was put here fora a reason unbeknown to us.You have paid for that and you need to move on and make the most of your life now and make a living to support that precious baby girl.Hold your head up and prove to everyone that you are a great mother not that you have to prove anything to anyboby..Good luck to you and your sister. Glad to see Jamie Lynn Spears holding Tod’s Handbag has grown up & taken her parenting role serious since getting pregnant so young, not all young mothers put their child first…instead a lot choose to still try to hang out like a normal teen which means leaving their kid to be raised by the grandparents. I do have to admit Zoey 101 was banned in our house still to this day as soon as news broke of her pregnancy…just dont want my daughters (now 15 & 13) to think teen prenancy is ok. No Teen Mom on MTV either.
Their family is inspiring, I think. Both Britney and Jamie Lynn Spears in Tod’s Loafers made not so great decisions, but they both recovered. Everyone makes mistakes, and it’s not fair for people to judge her the they did. I think it’s amazing how she wants to be a ‘soccer mom’ and actually care for her daughter. Britney’s recovery is amazing as well. They’re just a symbol of getting back up, no matter how hard life pushes you down. It’s very hard being a teenager, I can remember it well. Jamie Lynn Spears in Tod’s Moccasins made a mistake, she’s human! Everybody judges, but nobody was there to help her and give her advice. She sounds like she’s grown into a sensible, caring woman and I salute her for taking on that responsibility at such a young age. I wish her all the luck, and hopefully she’ll meet someone who is equally caring.

