
Seal and Heidi Klum Announces finish a seven-year marriage

Heidi Klum in Tory Burch Shoes is legally blind. Seal this story and let’s move on with the real news! Heidi will find another rich guy to blow soon so she can keep her life style up. This marriage was doomed from the beginning. Heidi Klum holding Tory Burch Wallet was probably always on the go as well as him. They are celebrities for gosh sake. Heidi, I’ll bet your parents are sooooo proud of you. Heidi will find another rich guy to blow soon so she can keep her life style up.
Seal is what happened to Dorian Gray’s portrait..I wondered how long you stupid filthy white racist were going to take to attack Seal. Equality, it’s not even a hard word to say or spell. But you hate-filled ignorant pieces of waste are still so very scared of a little simple thing like equality. Sad but true. So fight on… you stupid white. Heidi holding Tory Burch Tote Bag didn’t like that Alessandra is carrying Seals child.
My only opinion about this storey is that the man is really dull. I couldn’t lilsten anymore. He really said nothing. About his looks I think those nasty remarks don’t speak well of the authors. I actually felt sorry for Pierse because he was trying to pull some conversation out of this man. Waste of my valuable time. Catch you next time Pierce. I bet her folks were real proud of her when Heidi Klum drug that freak home then allowed him to violate her body causing her to spit out several balls of sewer sludge that she calls kids. Heidi Klumis luck he didn’t take her to Kenya and cook her for a Sunday dinner?
Make no mistake. This is a guy who isn’t going to let her go. I can betting there was violence. Heidi Klum in Tory Burch Sandals said it got really bad..but wait. She is going to tell the truth some day. Why oh why did you have a baby every ten minutes with this guy? Or was that his idea to keep you pregnant and away from other men?He had to be concerned, he’s uglier that a toad..he’s not a good looking black male and she’s a gorgeous white woman..strange bedfellows for sure. Even my black friends think he’s creepy looking.
Heidi Klum in Tory Burch Flip Flops does just fine on her own…remember? …No one really knows what the dynamics of what happened really are. They have a family together, and hopefully they can all get a long..and not just for media sake-but for the kids sake..Heidi in Tory Burch Flat Shoes your a fine lookin’ white chick , how ’bout lookin’ for some rich white dude , you’d look better on that red carpet , before it looked too wierd.Why is this different from anyone else? Everybody has sad break-ups. Get over it and move on. Heidi Klum in Tory Burch Wedge Shoes probably left you because you can’t sing.

