
Neil Patrick Harris was invited as a guest by CBS president Les Moonves

Neil Patrick Harries in Tod’s Shoes has emerged in recent years as one of the most talented stars of stage and screen of his generation. I’m referring mainly to the work he has done away from “How I Met Your Mother” (which is not a favorite of mine). There is nothing worse than an awards show, but Harris was incredible as host of the Tony awards last year. I had no intention of watching the show, but Harris literally commanded your attention. Neil Patrick Harries in Tod’s Fall Shoes will be stressed out worrying about all those football players and wondering why he is so obsessed with their individual performance. He probably just wonders how he can get a new tight end and who will let him block that kick.
Those of you who are writing obsessive comments about NPH’s sexual orientation are archaic and ignorant. This is a man who has grown up in the Hollywood fishbowl and is not only an extremely talented, sought after actor and musical performer, but a loving and faithful father to two beautiful children and the individual he loves. Neil Patrick Harries in Tod’s Boots doesn’t do drugs, he isn’t out shooting guns in nightclubs, he’s not driving drunk and hurting people. Someone on here called him selfish for adopting babies. Seriously?! He CHOSE to be a parent. CHOSE to go through an extended period of emotional and financial commitment to make it happen with a surrogate and you call him selfish?! Those children will be loved and cherished for the rest of their lives because they are truly wanted. You will not read about them being murdered in their sleep or dumped off starving in a dumpster by their parents. Who says heterosexuals are the best parents? That’s where the child murders happen — in hetersexual, supposedly appropriate families. Get over yourselves.
Neil Patrick Harries in Tod’s Loafers is a nice guy and a fantastic actor… And yet, people still attack him for the sole reason that he is gay. Sorry, but no gay individual attacks actors for being openly heterosexual. Why in the heck is NPH’s sexual orientation any of YOUR business? Keep freaking out, all you homophobes. The man is living a happy, productive life with his beautiful family and couldn’t care less about all the bigots who are obsessed with what Neil Patrick Harries likes to do in the bedroom. Why do so many people have to focus on the fact that someone is gay when they read an article or see them? I don’t look at everyone I come in contact with and start every thought with their straight. People are people no matter what race or sexual preference. I for one thin Neil Patrick Harries in Tod’s Moccasins is very funny, I love HIMYM, and when he hosts shows like Regis and Kelly. He seems like he would be a great guy to know.

