
Diet makes the 39-year-old mom Gwyneth Paltrow perfect

What’s with the hatred for gwyneth? I don’t see her harming anyone. Gwyneth Paltrow in Tod’s Shoes has her kids, her family, is not involved in any scandals, been married for a long time now, seems overall happy and content. What’s up lizbeth corbo? Little jealous, are we? Not really happy with your life so you have to bash someone else to make yourself feel better? Your ironic style in this article is just ridiculous. As are you. Yet another case of a person that finds success and then goes into whacky mode. I wonder how holistic Gwyneth Paltrow in Tod’s Ballet Shoes would be if she had to survive on the income of those in the 98% we keep hearing about?
I guess she doesnt know that the adrenal cortex is a gland. It has no level to rise or fall. She sounds incredibly stupid. Photoshop….and if she can ‘feel’ her adrenal cortex, she ought to donate her brain to science…look it up and do not just buy into this new-age, self-absorbed crap…Gwyneth Paltrow in Tod’s Fall Shoes doesn’t do drugs, doesn’t have her name in the paper for drunken driving, appears to be a happy wife and mother – which is incredibly rare in hollywood. Also looks gorgeous. Just leave her alone….umm is it just me or do these pictures seriously not look like the gwyneth we are use to seeing? It looks like more than lasering has been done to her face…and yes your right, her legs are beautiful.
Gwyneth Paltrow in Tod’s Boots has lived like this for a long time, and obviously it shows that it helps. I suppose if I had the kind of money she does, I’d take that good of care of myself as well. When we take good care of ourselves, we offer good care as well to others, because we’re healthy, in good shape and frame of mind to do so. Gwyneth Paltrow is very glamorus in these photos and good for her. I can be happy for others without feel envious or jealous of them, and it shows others what they can do for themselves as well anyway. Wow!!! This article is so rude! What has she ever done for people to hate her so much. Gwyneth Paltrow holding Tod’s Handbag grow up rich and she is even richer now but she worked hard to get where she is. Maybe not as hard as some one who grew up poor and then made it as an actor but hard non the less. If Gwyneth Paltrow in Tod’s Loafers seems to have a different take on life and lifestyle, great! We don’t want every one being the same.
Ok, pretty, did you every hear her natural whinny voice ….. If you want to see a great romantic movie of hers , it’s called “Sliding doors” Great movie with a twist.this does not look like the gwynetth I am used to seeing in movies…but maybe I cannot see her face that clearly.. Gwyneth Paltrow in Tod’s Moccasins looks like somebody else here…everybody is into some kind of special diet nowadays.. Its ‘ cause we never knew hunger…starving people eat anything..

