
Juicy Couture Makes Her the Most Stunning On Golden Globes

Maybe “Desperate Housewives” star Eva Longoria could not be the best actress for Golden Globes this year, but she is definitely the most stunning one on walking the red carpet with charming Juicy Couture Clothes.
Her new Juicy Couture Tracksuit indeed drew the focus of everyone who attended that event by walking on every step with fabulous glamour on her new Juicy Couture Sandals. It seems the star has already put all the heartbreaking drama with her ex-husband Tony Parker far behind her.
The shining appearance of Eva has inevitably earned overwhelming praise from fashion world which even including Kelly Osbourne. The gorgeous It Girl couldn’t help raving the star was “so perfect on her new Juicy Couture Bracelets” and “I don’t think she could have picked a better fashion taste that fit her so much”.
So if you still assume Eva as the desperate divorced woman, you are totally wrong. The star is shining brightly once again with her new vigorous Juicy Couture Earrings. Her red carpet amazing surprise happened one week following her ex Tony Parker opened up about their separation to the media.
Parker was honest when he said it was his fault to lead this heartbreaking split: “I couldn’t even read anything written about our marriage because I feel so sorry to her. But I still wish she can forget all the hurts I bring to her and be a happy girl”.
On talking of this, Eva replied with an elegant smile: “What’s gone is gone. The most important thing is to stay strong mentally. I’ve already got over my most difficult times. Although it’s hard, I’m lucky to have Juicy Couture Flip Flops to cheer me up. Now I’m keeping moving on as a refreshed girl on my Juicy Couture style.”

